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What would God say to you?

Son, I love you. And across the Universe, my love is shown, the silver light of the moon gives you a forehead kiss, the stars sing you my blessings and the galaxies swirl with Joy at your joy. When you smile, I smile. When you cry, my heart is torn. Your tears to me are golden, and in bottles I keep them. Though you run from me, I am always there even in the shadows watching to protect you and bless you. How can you ever think you are alone when I am not only with you always, but abide in your heart forever. I will never abandon you or turn my back to you, NEVER. My door is always open to you and arms extended toward you. To me, you are never lost and always found. But here is another thing: I stand at the threshold of your heart and soul. I will never trespass into your land unless you ask me to come, lest I should overwhelm you, lest I shall I cause you to faint in fear or confusion, I only come when you are ready. And I constantly wait for you, sitting at that threshold

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