Prayer - 30 Second meditations #1

When Jesus was asked "how do we pray" he uttered what today is known as the Lord's Prayer, prayed by hundreds of millions each day.

In this prayer, so much about God, the Universe and You is mentioned. But if I could unpack just the very first word, so much would be gained by you to understand this.

He said our praying should always start with Our Father - in the Semetic language of Aramaic which he spoke the word is Abwoon - literally Father-ours.

So the very first thing, is God is your Father. It means you are His Child. And it means He loves you immensely, that you own everything He owns, and that He will always nurture, guide and protect you. 

It is also an irrevocable relationship. No matter what you do or don't do, as your Father, that relationship to Him NEVER changes. 

You must live with this assurance. This certaintity. It's not your performance that matters. It really is deeper, it's who you are, your very being. This is the first meditation of Abwoon.

But the second is also wonderful to behold. Our Father - look at the our, its not just my Father. He is our Father. 

People do not realize how Jesus gathered all peoples under his wings, never bothering to ask what their tribe, religion, political affiliation or nationality was. Nor did He look at how you have lived, what you done or not done, how pious or impious you have been.

By saying Our Father, He meant to say we of the human species are all brothers and sisters, we are all His and we must understand that our relationship with God is what we all have in common that is most worthy of uniting us. Being His children, His creation, we all share the divine spark of Father in us.

Take well to see the Godness of every human being you meet, family - friends - strangers - colleagues - whomever, they are no less nor no more human than yourself, and they are no less nor no more a child of your Father than yourself.

Think on these things often, every night you prayer Our Father who is in Heaven...
