What would God say to you?

Son, I love you. And across the Universe, my love is shown, the silver light of the moon gives you a forehead kiss, the stars sing you my blessings and the galaxies swirl with Joy at your joy.

When you smile, I smile.
When you cry, my heart is torn.
Your tears to me are golden, and in bottles I keep them.
Though you run from me, I am always there even in the shadows watching to protect you and bless you.

How can you ever think you are alone when I am not only with you always, but abide in your heart forever. I will never abandon you or turn my back to you, NEVER. My door is always open to you and arms extended toward you. To me, you are never lost and always found.

But here is another thing: I stand at the threshold of your heart and soul. I will never trespass into your land unless you ask me to come, lest I should overwhelm you, lest I shall I cause you to faint in fear or confusion, I only come when you are ready. And I constantly wait for you, sitting at that threshold waiting, for years and years for you to say - Father, please come, you are welcome here with me and in me.

The delight I have had at seeing you grow and pray and navigate life, but oh the pain I feel when you are in pain and feel lost. I am always there with you, always watching to help, protect and support you in the darkest of times and brightest alike. 

If you must know One thing, and only One. KNOW THAT MY LOVE FOR YOU HAD ZERO LIMITS. None whatsoever. I do not judge your or condemn you, I love you because you exist and not because of anything you ever said, done, accomplished or thought. And not because of anything you haven't done either.

I love you not even for who you are, but simply because you are, because you exist. And in me you exist forevermore. And if that is the case, how big is my love for you then? That the Creator of the Infinite loves you? Is there an end to my love for you? If God so loves you, why my son are you so sour today? Haha cheer up my beloved, I am here with you, today and every today, my love for you overflowing in countless ways!

If you are not ready for the Universe or Ocean of my love, that come to the shore and dip your cup, as small as it may be and drink freely, drench your head, do as you please. Better yet, Ditch the cup and dive in, inside you shall find you breathe easier and the world is entirely different. The world you live outside of my love is a shriveled effigy of the real thing - the real thing is the Ocean of my love for you. Fresh and joyful and brilliant love... for YOU. 

You have heard for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only. My son, you are the World to Me. And I gave you all, not in a moment 2000 years ago, but in infinite eternity I have done so - for the cross is not a point of history, finite, with a beginning and an end. The cross is eternal, my hands point to the sunrise and sunset, because as far as the east is from the west so have I removed all your wrongdoings from you, so have encircled the world with my love.

Do well to always remember - forever, I love you, into into your past and future, forever eternally now.

And it is so, for every human being you see, every one that was and will be.
