Four Secrets of the Lord's Prayer Hidden in Plain Sight

One thing I can't understand about the vast majority of Christians - they always put barriers to keep you from benefiting from Jesus' teachings. "Wait" they say, "First you must have the right beliefs about our doctrines..." or "But this doesn't apply to everyone, only to the believers". But Jesus Christ never put barriers between people based on their beliefs, lifestyles or ethnicity... never!

Instead, Jesus would regularly divulge the secrets of Heaven to any who would simply listen... that's it, so simple, if you have ears to ear, you listen! There was no qualifications necessary other than to be human. Are you a human? Well, then that's it... you qualify!

Secret #1 - We are God's Children - We are One with God - We are gods

"Our Father in Heaven"

This is how Jesus taught ALL of humanity to pray like... He told the crowds, full of Jews, Gentiles, Samritans, Caananites, Romans, Egyptians, and all the peoples of the melting pot that the land of Israel consisted of during that day to pray like this. Call God - Father! My Father, our Father, your Father.

Back then, and more so in the cultures of the east today, your children are considered your flesh and blood. Today, Westerners speak about independence and some even cast their children out at 18. They are disconnected, from their own flesh and blood but not so in Jesus' time and in the East. Cultural differences aside, I want you to see what it means to call God - Father - when Jesus taught us to pray.

It means you are 100% of the flesh and blood of God (See these two posts on what it means to be created in God's image and likeness). You are essentially gods. Being sons and daughters of the Divine Father means you are gods, of Divine Nature, of a single, united Nature of God.

He was speaking about the unity of humankind with God - male and female. One in God. Take a look at John 15, or consider the Old Testament Scriptures "I said, You are gods" (Ps 82:6) that Jesus Himself quoted.

They accused Jesus of blasphemy telling Him that “Because You, being a Man, make Yourself God” (John 10:33) they were about to stone Him. But He responded:

"‘Is it not written in your law [in Psalms 82:6], “I said, ‘You are gods’ ”? If He [God] called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, “You are blaspheming,” because I said, “I am the Son of God”?’” (John 10:34-36).

You are One with the Creator, the Heavenly Father. I don't take care about your religion and neither does the Messiah (Jesus didn't come to start the religion of Christianity as the Jewish people of today say and many others think). Religion is in fact the tree of knowledge of good and evil that brings only death to the world. Yes, most people operate and act in total ignorance or even defiance of this truth; but there is an awakening and it is time for the Christians especially (because they are most familiar with Jesus' words) to unpackage these truths from the deceptive wrappings of religion that has bound both them and their hearers to a defeated life.

Realize today, you are One with the Father. See others in this light. Consider Jesus' attitude in holding this truth as God's Son. Great things come to those who start to act like their Creator Father, greater things even!

Secret #2 - The Name of God on your lips

"Hallowed be Your Name"

Do you know what the Name of God is? It's one of the most powerful Biblical concepts. It held so much potency that eventually the Jewish people became too afraid to say it. The real power here has little to do with how the pronunciation of God's Name is made, but rather how you embrace it! I AM.

Jesus was highlighting this in the example to prayer. First you remember your unity with God and who you are. And now, you reconsecrate the Name on your Lips. This truly is a very empowering truth.

When you hallow God's Name, you set it apart on your lips. You never take the I AM in vain. Meaning, you are careful how you think about yourself in the first place (many people focus solely on the words spoken by the lips, but really all of that starts in the heart and how you think of yourself!). You take care to attach what you want to that name. You no longer attach silly, idle and foolish thoughts and declarations to the I AM.

How do you think of yourself? Who are you? How are you? Most people think of themselves in the normal and negative. They have limited themselves and denied their union with God and the image of God in them.

I AM - how powerful. If you just keep saying this to yourself for the next minute you will feel its power. God's Breath is in you and just saying I AM you remember it and acknowledge it. What a statement of confidence, of being, of presence. I AM.

If you are in a hard situation, take a pause, breathe, and say I AM. I elaborate much more on this thought here.

Secret #3 - Command into being the Kingdom, for God empowers but religion disempowers.

"Your Kingdom come"

This wasn't a plea. Many of us think the Lord's prayer is to be prayed with closed eyes, kneeling and begging the Father. But this is not the case. Jesus taught us to bring forth into being what we want by imagining it and feeling it as if it is.

"Tell the Mountains to Move and believe it is so according to what you say and do not doubt and the mountain shall do as you say!" (rough paraphrase of Mk 11:23)

Here is the mark of religion - religion teaches you to beg and be dependent. It tells you that you have no power, that you are not accepted, that you are guilty, that you are wretched, that you not appreciated, and above all that you are NOT unconditionally loved.

But Jesus tells you that you are fully accepted, appreciated and loved in the most Supreme Way possible by God Himself - to the extent that God Sacrifices Himself and His Son (in One) for all humankind. Jesus taught us to still the storms ourselves rather than be afraid and necessitate He acts. The Same God told Moses the same thing when He was faced with the armies of Pharaoh from behind and the sea to the front "Why do you call to Me???" (See this post for more on this lesson)

Jesus taught us to pray the "kingdom come". He taught us that kingdom of God was within us. We need to change our minds in this. We need to realize that He was empowering us to change the world not as servants, slaves or weak people - pleading, and begging people, but being full of the Majesty and Love of God, full of His power and light. Simply - Your Kingdom Come! So it comes! Amen.

Secret #4 - Imagine what Heaven is like... then bring it to earth and extend it to your life!

"Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."

Most people see the past and look at the present and imagine that that what was and is, will also be. They have lived normal lives, so normal lives they can expect along with all the blights of humanity, the curse of the earth.

Very few people sit, and imagine... imagine what it would feel like if Earth was like Heaven. Imagine what it would be like if your country and city or where you live, became modeled more and more after Heaven.

No more pollution, no more corruption, no more crime, no more poverty, no more disease, no more sickness, no more misery, no more murder, no more scarcity... wow, only abundance, life, joy, love and peace, overflowing to everyone and from everyone to everyone!

Voila... Jesus was telling us to imagine it so... which means to believe it so and command into being, this was a declaration, a command, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven... not please, and if you may, but Let it be So... and it is!

Just as God uttered - Light exist and so Light existed! So Jesus teaches us to create the Kingdom of God on Earth!

I will leave you with these thoughts. I think it's time you recreated your life according to Heaven's plans and not your past and the system of the world.

Have a wonderful 2019!
