
Showing posts from December, 2017

Setting the Record Straight: Is Jesus Pro-Palestinian or Pro-Israeli?

How religious leaders use the Bible to rob you of your Direct Connection to God

11 Awesome Verses of Healing from the OT!

This is the Secret of the Bible's First Word declaring something unimaginable!

How to know beyond a doubt the Truth about God, Jesus and the Bible.

Praying with your window opened towards Jerusalem?

The REAL reason why Jerusalem is important

A surprising truth found in the only Biblical reference to Hannuka.

Spiritual Treasures of Genesis: What you were really called to do - Let their be Light! (part 3/3)

The freedom you have should never be lost in the Traditions of men

Could this be the real reason why the Name of God is no longer pronounced by Jews?

Could Israel's Enemies be Really One with Israel???

Jerusalem 2017- Did Trump just kickstart these 3 Bible prophecies?

Did Jesus really say we didn't need to follow the Torah?

Tackling Judaism’s 3 Main Objections that Yeshua is the Messiah