In your fathers' shadow

Do you live in the shadow of your fathers? Like dark towers breaking through the clouds they loom over your lives as you struggle to live up to the standards they have handed you down? Or perhaps you are fearful of falling into the same failures they went through? Many a man has grown only to struggle in the legacy of his father, and many a woman in the former glory of their mothers. Even kings and queens must grapple with this! The best parents of this world do their best to bring you higher and stand taller than they in life. And sometimes they succeed and that is wonderful. Today, I want to share with you a great and precious promise of God. One of those gems found deep in the mountains of God's scriptures. It's a promise that is yours in Christ and speaks of great hope for every child and joy to every loving parent.

"God will bring you to the land which your fathers possessed, and you shall possess it. He will prosper you and multiply you more than your fathers." 
Deut 30:5

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How far back in your family tree do you want to go? You are not defined by your parents who gave you birth and nourished you. I love my parents and am so thankful for such loving ones as I have received. Yet they do not define my spirit! Neither can your ancestors tell you what to do or destine you to their curses and failures of the past. So how far back do you want to go? To Adam? Sure, go back to Adam, for Jesus came as the last Adam - in that the first Adam brought a curse, Jesus became cursed to bring my blessing and make me a blessing (Gal 3:13,14)! In that Adam sinned and bought death to all, Jesus died and destined us to life and offers to make us reign in life, too (Rom 5:17)! 

How great is your inheritance now O child of God! Remember Jesus' words, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." You are now of God, His child, His blood, His family. They gave you a name, but Jesus Christ gives you one that no else knows and that name is your true identity (Rev 2:17)! Today, hear Him speaking to you. He calls out to you and says 

"My beloved son, My beloved daughter, how I love and cherish you! You are My delight, in you I am well pleased and remember, I am always proud of you! Go and take hold of your inheritance, for I called you to possess it. I will prosper you and multiply you more than those who came before you! This is your heritage in Me and I'm so happy for you to take it!" Amen.

By David Roiel
The Green Leaf Blog - Discover your inheritance!

By David Roiel
The Green Leaf Blog - Discover your inheritance!

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