This is how you supercharge yourself right now - Awaken the I AM in you!
This post is actually linked to a previous one goes into depth about this subject from the Bible, from the days of Eden and Moses. It's a two-minute read and you can check it out here (I would say I highly recommend that you do before reading this... but I bet you, you won't though! 😁)
You can consider this a template to loosely follow as you are led by the Spirit in you.
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Photo by Ryan Holloway on Unsplash (modified by DR) |
The Cross is Everything and is itself so Deep; it is the starting point of your journey to identify your I AMness. I would really encourage you to ponder the Cross, ponder Jesus the Son of God, crucified for our sins (consciousness of KOGE*) and resurrected for righteousness (consciousnesses of God's love for us and our unity with God). The Cross is much deeper than a historical fact of the NT, or a Sunday School teaching - it is timeless in itself and it's ramifications are stupendous (click here to read more about it, I really encourage you to do so for this one!)
Keep in mind that there are many, many teachings that resemble somethings I have said here and I haven't one where they don't neglect the Cross or it's factual occurrence - namely, that the Word manifested in Flesh and Died for Us.
So how is this part of the exercise? Well, it is much more than just that. Let the image of the Cross be seared in your mind, see Him in your mind's eye, Crucified, and do so often and frequently, when you meditate and when you don't. I love this song by Kutless... you'll understand when you hear it.
2. Breathe. Meditate on the I AM - say the I AM.
Start by getting yourself in a meditative position (sitting, standing, stably, quietly; click here to see Abraham and Isaac were masters of meditation). And just breathe, be conscious of your breathing, be mindful of how you feel, your body, your surroundings (smells, sounds, etc, but best to close to your eyes or not if you wish). By the way, the word Spirit in the OT and NT is the same word for breathe and wind - makes for an interesting read when you think that. By doing this you are actually beginning to grasp an awareness of yourself, your very being.
Now contemplate your beingness by saying and more importantly quietly thinking - I AM. Take a moment when you can, repeat it in your mind a dozen times or so, just bask in this. You will find that you are happy and peaceful because that is the original state of our consciousness of life. As you do this, you meditate on your being. Descartes said "I think therefore I am." Just think on your beingness for a moment.
As you begin to say I AM, let it resonate in your mind, in your life. You are not a helpless, leaf caught by the winds, thrown into violent waters, helpless to move, helpless to stand, helpless to make a difference. "I AM"... it shakes the world like thunder. Now you realize, in this strong stillness, and mighty peace, YOU ARE and YOU CAN initiate, create, step out of the treacherous waters of REACTION and stand on the Mountain of Pro-Action and Creation. You can Create and steer your path as you wish, as you want, as you desire!
And take courage - for the Desires of the Righteous is Only Good (Prov 11:23) when it is fulfilled it is a Tree of Life (Prov 13:12) and sweet to the soul (Prov 13:19), they are Pure and they yours to feel as if you have them, they are yours to embrace and not deny for it is God manifesting Himself through you, manifesting HIS KINGDOM in you (remember, how the Lord taught us to pray).
Look what Paul says and meditate and thoughtfully declare it in your minds (and if you want out loud; keep in mind many preacher teach about saying affirmations but they speak little if anything of the I AM and consciousness of the I AM, of being. So that is just a single and very big difference from 'word of faith' teachings).
But here is real, boundless power:
As He is, so I Am.
I am one with my Father, one with My brother (Jesus), one with the Spirit.
I am that I am that I am what I am by the Grace of God (attaching your I AMness to the Grace of God).
Remember, you are meditating on these TRUTHS from the position of the I AM in you. You are meditating on the I AM and then you are growing the revelation of the I AM in you - the awareness of being and existing - and now expanding the I AM by attaching to it Deeper Truths that bring you into a position of strength and manifestation of His Kingdom.
You can also attach your needs to the I AM:
I AM very happy I AM.
I AM very wise I AM.
I AM very healthy I AM.
You can also extend the boundaries of the I AM to your family:
As He is, so ARE WE.
WE ARE highly favored, deeply loved and greatly blessed WE ARE.
WE ARE a very happy family, full of love, life and light WE ARE.
Go ahead, try it out, and let the Holy Spirit (Breath) of God guide you. It's a wonderful and empowering experience!
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