5 amazing things Jesus said about you!
Familiarity doesn't mean anything. You may have studied the scriptures enormously but - as I once found about myself - something is missing. I want to invite you today, to truly reconsider the immensity of Jesus' sayings, not about theology, but simply about you. As you read on, wherever you see a need, ask the Spirit to let these words sink in, take root and bear fruit in your life. I am sure they are life changing!
1) Your Father counts your hairs
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Shutterstock: Robert S - modified by DR |
"...the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
(Mat 10:30; Lk 12:7)
The other day I grabbed a hold of my 4 year old son. I looked at him and said "Look at my eyes". He just fidgeted everywhere thinking I was playing. So again I said, "Hey, look at me!" but, he turned his head toward me instead as he kept looking elsewhere. Finally, I said again, this time holding him closer, "Son... loooookkkk into my eyessss." When he finally did it, "I asked him what do you see?" He paused for a second and then smiled, "Meeee!"
We need to grasp this awesome truth, the Father looks at us ever so fondly and lovingly. We truly are the apple of His eyes. He's not trying to see our faults, He's delighting in us and looking out for us. You might be concerned right now about a million and one things, small and great. Unexpected bills, dangerous diseases, how to schedule your tasks, the safety of your family or planning a birthday party. We can rest in our Father's hands, He knows it all and better than we. He has not withheld any blessing, spared a single ounce of His favor or failed to truly meet our needs - healing, provision, and protection are all ours and ours for the taking in Him. This is our inheritance, after all.
2) You are completely clean.
"You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you."
(John 15:3)
The church has suffered a lot because of ignorance of the depth and magnitude of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Jesus said this while He gave bread to be broken - His body - and His purifying blood to be drunk. We often sing and confess "Jesus paid for my sins" but we don't really act nor pray like that. When we sin, we put on a guilty mindset and act unforgiven - avoiding God, the company of believers or refusing to be joyful.
A wise man once told me, "When Jesus died on the cross, every one of your sins where in the future." There's a great implication for the saint here - being forgiven is not an on/off thing like the light switch in your room, sometimes it's on and sometimes it's off. It's a status that can never be revoked once instituted. Our debt, on behalf of Adam, was present even before we were born. And sins deserve punishment according to the importance of the one sinned against. You see, our debt of sin was not a finite sum that could be amended for by being religious, white washing our mouths and paying tithes. No and a thousand times no! Our debt was as great as the glory and honor God deserves... it was infinite. But God so loved the world that He offered up His One and Only Son... He paid it off with the utmost price and it cost Him everything. Our debts were cancelled even before we took out any loan - infinitely. Expand the depth of your understanding when it comes to His mercy and your forgiveness... you are clean, ever more!
3) God has crowned you with His Royalty, endowed you with His Power and blessed you with Sonship.
"But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet..."
(Luke 15:22)
The story of the prodigal son (in Luke 15) is one of the richest stories of God's love. There's too much to speak about here. Many a believer has fallen into the trap of thinking like the older brother, but the reality is, we are all - in Christ - like the lost son who returned home, our Father has embraced us without reserve.
The robe He's graced us with, is His mantle of majesty, the mark of royalty and His position. This is why the Bible calls us a "royal priesthood" and "kings and priests" of our God. The ring represents the power of the Spirit in us, the power every believer has. And finally, the slaves and servants may go barefoot but not the children of God. When God appeared to Moses - who received the Law, a covenant that God Himself "found fault" with - He told the man to take off his shoes. Jesus our Lord - the Almighty I AM who Created the Universe - came and washed our feet with His own hands.
We may not even be ready for the implications of what I just wrote.
4) You can move mountains.
"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says."
(Mark 11:23)
Most people, when they read this, will assume that mountains are the obstacles and challenges one may face, maybe even spiritual strongholds and the like. And they are, no doubt. But the Bible ascribes to the idea of a mountain, a much greater implication. Mountains represent entire kingdoms and nations!
Sure you can move mountains in your life, but the inheritance of the righteous is more than to just overcome daily hurdles... we are called to bless, even the cities and nations, in very, very mighty ways. Imagine what would happen if two or three everywhere came together and prayed like this! I can't wait!
5) We can do what Jesus did and more.
"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father."
(John 14:12)
I didn't say this, did I? Jesus did. We are of so little faith that we want to take this beautiful, powerful promise and then dissect it theologically, diluting it's meaning into meaninglessness and sweep it under the carpet of intricately designed doctrines! This is really simple... Jesus cast out demons, showed Himself in authority over nature and even those who came to arrest Him, raised the dead to life, healed the sick and restored the broken hearted! The Bible itself also testifies that believers in Jesus - not just the select few we call apostles, but the entire body did these things (see Mark 16:17,18).
(I have much more to say about this. In fact, I am planning to release a short booklet about making Mark 16 a reality in your life [sometime in March]. If you'd like to receive your copy when I release it, all you have to do is subscribe below plus be blessed by the free eBook you'll receive today.)
Jesus promised us so much. He declared so many blessings over us. We take the Bible seriously, but we can scarcely believe that God would truly be for us. Its time we awoke to our righteousness and seized our inheritance! It's His pleasure for us to do so.
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