Forget Ambition, Live to Serve

I lived in the future. Never the present. People saw me as a visionary leader, for sure he shall be a great and inspiring leader of men, they said. And I relished it. I took risks. I wanted to be rich (so I could change the world, I told myself). I started many endeavors (both in the spiritual sense snd business world), I rallied men to my cause and embarked on many a project. My secret superpower was to mobilize men to my cause.

However, a disturbing pattern began to emerge. At every corner, I realized that closed doors stood in my way, while those who were less endowed faired better. And then my life came apart and I realized Who the DoorKeeper closing all those ways was.

What if you didn't dream of tomorrow and lived fully today? What if you stopped letting your dreams of glory and destined greatness shackle you in an invisible cage.

The world lifts up the kind of success that is not your success. A success won through blood, sweat and tears often at the cost of your health, your (would-be) family and even your soul. 

Oh what was it it that the Wise One said somewhere? "What would it profit a man if he gained the whole world but lost his own soul?"

That is precisely why He kept me from entering those doors... until I learned humility. Until I opened my eyes that the Leader of all leaders lived (and died) to serve.

And it was liberating. 

If you wake up in the morning and realize that you are here to serve your wife (husband), your kids, your family and to work in a profession to serve your team (whether you're in a leadership position or not) and to serve society for the good, your life will go much smoother.

The world says "Look at my Glory, and come worship me", it makes you feel you are missing out. But you will never miss out when you seek His Kingdom first. The One who created the world in its glory invites you to die with Him so you too can live with Him.

The world tells you that you are the goal, your fulfillment in the world can only come through your efforts alone (infused with whitewashed greed, selfishness, narcissism and vain ambitions).

Enough is said. What will you do today? Shall you continue to deam of a life self-realized with all the pleasures your heart so desires? Or will you let go of the sweet siren calls of the world to serve those who are in front of you and with you now?
