Why God is NOT in control

Now before you go on and say I'm some heretic, please understand that I believe that God is the Almighty, who in His complete sovereignty created the world and the universe, the angels and creatures of earth, the heavens and the depths alike, and finally made man in His image. I used to always say, "There isn't a leaf that falls apart from the will of God".

But today I say differently and here's why... God gave you control, He gave you the choice and He has made you far more powerful than you can imagine. When you keep saying that "God is in control" you firstly relinquish your own responsibility in this life, for your decisions and actions and secondly you deny yourself the true glories of His inheritance.

One of Satan's greatest secrets has been hidden in plain sight for many generations. This is the secret that God is not in control, but that you are. This Satanic secret wasn't revealed by Satan to me, it was revealed by Jesus to us all and it comes from the days of Jesus fasting in the desert. That story was recounted by Jesus to His disciples, and the details He mentions are His doing entirely as no one was there to witness them but Christ. In the recounting of those events, Satan told Jesus "All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish." (see Luke 4:6). Amazing, Jesus didn't deny this! You see, not everything that Satan says is a lie... in fact, that's how he delivers the most potent ones, dressed in truths!

Let me ask you, who gave Satan this authority? The word "delivered" actually means "betrayed". It was the one man, Adam who did this. And how did Adam have the right to deliver over the entire world to Satan? Because it was given to him, Adam, by God!

But when the Son of Man came this is what He told us, even before the cross... "Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Luke 10:19

Wow! This is amazing. How many see the destruction of cities and think it's God's punishment? How many have experienced the loss of a loved one in the prime of their lives and then ascribe such a terrible tragedy to the Father? How many endure sickness as being God's gracious doing in their lives? There is one who steals, kills and destroys and Jesus revealed him to be precisely the devil. The Lord came to reveal the will of God "That they may have Life and have it more abundantly!" (John 10:10) We fall for Satan's lies when we think these bad things are from God's hands... it's true, God will turn every thing for our good (Rom 8:28), but that doesn't mean He's out there designing calamity, disease and war!

There's two people in the Bible who showed how much they were in control.

The first is Jesus who said, "I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again." John 10:17,18

You might say "But that is Jesus. He is the Lord. We are not like Him." It's funny you say that then, because the same writer who recorded those words of Jesus, John, also wrote in his first letter "we are as He is in this world". 

But now consider Paul, who understood this very keenly and see what he said too; "...to me to live [is] Christ, and to die gain. And if to live in the flesh [is] to me a fruit of work, then what shall I choose? (Phil 1:21,23, YLT) He chose to remain! He had the choice of whether he wanted to continue on in this world or depart and be with Christ. The choice! Talk about understanding Sonship. He wasn't living life like a boat tossed by the waves. He was in control and he knew it. Consider how he wrote this in a prison cell! What mastery over self must this man have had to have such joy and confidence. (You can read more about Paul's choice here).

This is God's style... He lets you choose (see Deut 11:26, 30:15). The entire ministry of Jesus was based upon this... He was there, but He let the people decide whether they wanted His life, His salvation, His mercy, His healing, His blessing and so much more. He never once forced it upon them. The gods of the world operate from weakness (because they are not the gods of the world) and in weakness they subject the children of men to submission; but the God of heaven, Incarnate on earth, Jesus the King, came empowering us by giving us a choice - to receive all that He is and does for us, or to turn our faces away.

It's true we were once bound in darkness, held captive to do the will of Satan. But we are now Light in Christ and the bonds of evil one are broken. A spiritual transaction has taken place that is nothing short of a complete renewal, a new birth! We are now, new men and women in Christ. A new creation!

How much there is to discover and grasp! How great are His thoughts and truly great are the riches of His inheritance in us... it's already there! Our lives, our loved ones, the fate of our nations even... why are we living like our Father left us here forsaken when He left us here precisely so we may be the answer to our prayer... "Your Kingdom come!"

Why My son, it's already here, within you! (see Luke 17:21)

God give us light in our eyes and souls, to see this and manifest this truth in our lives! Amen in Jesus' name. 

David Roiel
The Green Leaf Blog-Discover your inheritance!

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