The mystery of the Temple's destruction

Two thousand years ago, the Temple was destroyed... and it wasn't to punish anyone.

"Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away." 
Heb 8:13 (written not long before the temple's destruction).

Let me take you to a land that some say is the center of the world. You wake up in the morning to the sound of sparrows, roosters and the prayer call of the muezzin. As the sun rises to the east, it reveals a land of gentle slopes and pastures all around a sprawling city crowned with a golden dome. You are in Old Jerusalem, it's walls are made of ancient stones, its alleyways are testaments of time and even the air seems to smell of history, as if every breathe you take is full of memory... memory stained with blood, pain and tears. Yet what is hidden to many but affects every person in this land, is the spiritual, not the physical - the deep and old spiritual strongholds that have let this place see countless wars and armies come and go.

In A.D. 70, the Temple of Yahowa was destroyed. Yet contrary to popular belief, the temple's destruction wasn't God's judgement on anybody. You see the temple was the place where people would sacrifice animals for their sins. The entire law of Moses was centered on these sacrifices. Therefore, without this temple, no sacrifice can be made to God and all the law of Moses is without a ceremonial place. Don't make light of this because it is a great announcement. Namely, that a sacrifice has been made that forever forgives all your sins and the sins of all mankind. This means you need never offer a sacrifice to God again - because He offered His One and Only Son as a sacrifice on your behalf!

As long as this Temple stood, it said "The way to God is shut." Today, it doesn't exist! It's time you lived in this reality of the New Testament, of the New Covenant - not one of Law and sacrifices, but one of Grace and Mercy. Understand that God is not after you to give something to Him. He's after you to receive all He gave you... and that is precisely why the Temple was destroyed!

By David Roiel
The Green Leaf Blog - Discover your inheritance!

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