When God sleeps

“…the exceeding greatness of His power to us who are believing…” Eph 1:19 (YLT)

One day Jesus and His disciples headed across the Sea of Galilee. As night fell a powerful wind and storm hit upon them while they were a long distance from land. Water began to inundate their little boat. Even for the experienced fishermen amongst them panic began to set it. But while they frantically tried all they could to save their lives, Jesus was resting and sleeping in the back of the boat, like a baby being gently rocked in his mother’s arms; it was indeed a miraculous sleep that Jesus slept! Finally, the disciples at their wits ends, woke Him screaming “Don’t you care that we are drowning! We are going to die!” It must have been a scene to remember. Jesus opened His eyes slowly and calmly got up, seeing His “little children”, as He often called them, in a frenzy of worry. After stretching a little, He turns to them in bewilderment “Where is your faith?!” An awkward silence falls upon them - all that was now heard was the wind and the sloshing of the water in the boat. Seeing Jesus so calm and having heard what He had just said, they understood. “Missed it again!” thought Peter. Jesus then turns, His face like flint against the wind and waves, and commands “Be silent!” sending the storm to sleep. Child of God, know that the Lord has not left you powerless and helpless, to be tossed here and there by the waves and storms of this world like a bottle floating in the sea. He has given you authority, strength and power. The very power that raised Jesus from the dead is in you! You beg God “Heal me, bless me, save me.” He turns to you and says “Son, I’ve already done that. You yourself turn to the mountain standing against you and command it. Have I not myself told you to do the same as Me. Be strong and of good courage for I am always with you and awake and watching over you for good.” Amen.

By David Roiel
The Green Leaf Blog - Discover your inheritance!

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