The Word of God is God!

“In the beginning was the Word.” (John 1:1)

The Spirit was hovering over the waters, the earth was freshly formed, a black mass of rock and fire shooting through the vast expanse of space. A clear, ringing voice pierces the sound of the tumult of creation “Light, exist!” and then there was light. What set it all in motion were just words. A word is more than just a breath of air pushing through vocal cords, it’s a seed full of potential and life. “And the Word was God… and became flesh and dwelt among us.” (John 1:1,14) This is Jesus, the very Word of God. Do you realize how much of His power flows in your life as you believe Him in your heart and confess Him as Lord with your mouth. David saw Jesus from afar and sang precious truths of Him in Psalm 19. He said the Word can transform your life, making you wise and whole, giving you joy in your heart and shines forth light from within you! Today, when you open the Book, realize the Word is not dead and dry like the paper it is written on. He is Jesus the Light of the world, shining Light and Life in your heart. He dwells within you and you are within Him. There is no need to look high to the heavens or dig deep in the books of the world just to gather a glimmer of illumination. For “the word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart.” (Rom 10:8) So this day, hear His words in you, enjoy His fullness and remember - you are His fullness! (Eph 1:23)

By David Roiel
The Green Leaf Blog - Discover your inheritance!

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