Choose yourself a name

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold. Prov 22:1

Having a good name or being someone with a good reputation is such a blessing but I believe there is a better and hidden meaning here. In Hebrew, this verse literally reads “In choosing a name, rather than great wealth, rather than silver and rather than gold is good grace”. So the question I pose to you today, is what name are you choosing? Are you banking on your diligence, sacrifice and hard work? Perhaps your job, money or career? I want to choose the best name because I know that when I do “good grace” is mine. This good name is Jesus or Yehoshua which means “Yahowa saves”. So the best name that God has chosen for us is – He saves! His salvation means not only eternity with Him in Heaven, but His presence and blessings in this life – a beautiful family, long life, health, prosperity, joy, peace, great works, protection and so on and on the list goes! This is the free gift of God to us made available through His Son’s death on the cross. This is the great Name to choose today. And in banking on the Name, Jesus, we find good grace, blessed favor, hunting us down every day!

By David Roiel
The Green Leaf Blog - Discover your inheritance!

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