Why God's Kingdom isn't meant for the weak hearted
Aren't you tired of cup-cake Christianity?
"Oh poor you, just hang in there!"
"Oh I'm so sorry it didn't work out... maybe God's got something else for you."
"You can't have everything in life, you know. You've just got to be humble and accept your lot. Afterall, He gives and takes away. "
"Are you sure that was God?"
"Maybe it's not His will that you succeed?"
Cup-cake Christianity produces cup-cake Christians.
Men who are afraid of being bold and embrace their defeat. Women who can not rejoice in their beauty and embrace being invisible. Men were made to be strong and courageous and women - beautiful and full of life. Yet the church is notorious for working against that - oh, but it's really not the church... it's religion working among the children of God... the knowledge of good and evil. Cup-cake Christianity - as I am calling it - is morality... as if God did all He did in sending His Son and having Him crucified for the sins of the world, only to set up yet another system of morality. Pah!
God's Kingdom is not a matter of morality. In fact it has nothing to do with that. There was the tree of Life and the tree of morality (the knowledge of good and evil). The latter only bought us death. But I digress. What's really at stake now is whether the children of God will be revealed for who they truly are, whether you and I will discover who we truly are in Him. All of creation waits with great longing for us to wake up to our real identity in Christ, what we truly were made for. And yet we have no idea!
God's kingdom was made for those who dare... who dare to believe in His unfathomable goodness, His infinite love, and His mighty power... and then, well and then that we are created in His image!
God's kingdom is for those who dare to march into it in a blaze of fury and fire. It's for you who refuse defeat and mediocrity, who know deep in your soul that you are made in the image of the Almighty, you are meant to be holy and pure, loving and good, kind and true, beautiful and strong, just as God is all those things.
Am I saying we are God? We are God's children, we have His nature, His Spirit in us. Jesus said He gave us the right to become children and then even gave His glory! We have Christ's glory! Think on that for a second.
In a sense, we've got it all wrong. The kingdom of God is not for the weak... the weak in faith that is. Today, you might have read your Bible, but do you truly believe God's word for you? Do you truly have faith, take Him at His word? Many of us read and read and read the Bible and say we believe this and that, but in truth we are only theoretical and intellectual Christians... cup-cake Christians.
Where is the power? Where is the love? Where is the goodness?
Abraham, back when he was called Abram, one day heard God speaking to Him. "Get out of here and go to the land I will show you."
How do you imagine that happened? Was Abram reading His Bible? Was he even reading anything? He wasn't reading... He was listening! He had a personal promise from God that he would become something greater than he could ever dream, part of God's plan for global redemption! There he was, living in one of biggest cities of one of the biggest civilizations, thinking he was just another number... another Urean... that sounds like urea. But when God speaks, all that is about to change.
"Sarai..." he calls to his wife, "Were moving!"
Actually, I doubt he said that... I think he was far more timid and the conversation was more like this:
Abram: "Sarai..."
Sarai: "Yes, Abram."
Abram: "I think God just spoke to me."
Sarai: Silence.
"He said that we should go to another land..."
More silence.
"And that we would become a great nation."
And yet more deafening silence.
Ok, in truth, I don't think this took Sarai that off guard nor I do think she thought Abram was crazy. Now, she was not a weak and characterless woman, she very willful and strong but I believe Sarai was hearing from God too and readily accepted that God had spoken to her husband. [That's why you got to marry the right woman, men! And the opposite for the sisters!] And so off they went, Sarai in her 60's, Abram in his 70's... starting a new life... at the age that most people retire, they were just getting started!! This is our God! Adventure, meaning, life!
But we don't believe God or take Him at His word? Why not? Because we haven't heard from Him. We read and read and read His words, but we don't listen.
God is calling each of us to a life of greater significance, greater abundance, greater things! We're called to take on His annointing, His challenge and most of all, abide in His word and promises.
He's got a plan for you and it is great... if you're on that plan and you're facing an onslaught against you to quit and fade away in the shadows of obscurity, stand firm, brother/sister! Don't let go of your confidence that God will do great things, that it was not God who called you!
Understand that I am a man who left the comfort of an awesome city in the best country to live in the world only to go into the one of the most notoriously failed states, right smack in the Middle East. And I'm like, why did I even come here? Because God called me... and you wouldn't imagine the onslaught on my faith at the moment, to believe the unseen.
You might not yet know your call. O this is a good time for you then! Start seeking, start asking, and get ready. Your truest desires, are really His... let Him draw them out for you. It's not easy, but it's amazing.
The Kingdom of God isn't for the weak - but it is for the weak who dare become strong.
The Kingdom of God isn't for the mediocre - but it is for the defeated who dare become victorious.
The Kingdom of God isn't for the faint-hearted - but it is for the faint of heart, who dares to believe.
So... what's next for you? :)
"Oh poor you, just hang in there!"
"Oh I'm so sorry it didn't work out... maybe God's got something else for you."
"You can't have everything in life, you know. You've just got to be humble and accept your lot. Afterall, He gives and takes away. "
"Are you sure that was God?"
"Maybe it's not His will that you succeed?"
Cup-cake Christianity produces cup-cake Christians.
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Photo courtesy of Flickr - Ann O'Dwyer, modified by D.R. |
God's Kingdom is not a matter of morality. In fact it has nothing to do with that. There was the tree of Life and the tree of morality (the knowledge of good and evil). The latter only bought us death. But I digress. What's really at stake now is whether the children of God will be revealed for who they truly are, whether you and I will discover who we truly are in Him. All of creation waits with great longing for us to wake up to our real identity in Christ, what we truly were made for. And yet we have no idea!
God's kingdom was made for those who dare... who dare to believe in His unfathomable goodness, His infinite love, and His mighty power... and then, well and then that we are created in His image!
God's kingdom is for those who dare to march into it in a blaze of fury and fire. It's for you who refuse defeat and mediocrity, who know deep in your soul that you are made in the image of the Almighty, you are meant to be holy and pure, loving and good, kind and true, beautiful and strong, just as God is all those things.
Am I saying we are God? We are God's children, we have His nature, His Spirit in us. Jesus said He gave us the right to become children and then even gave His glory! We have Christ's glory! Think on that for a second.
In a sense, we've got it all wrong. The kingdom of God is not for the weak... the weak in faith that is. Today, you might have read your Bible, but do you truly believe God's word for you? Do you truly have faith, take Him at His word? Many of us read and read and read the Bible and say we believe this and that, but in truth we are only theoretical and intellectual Christians... cup-cake Christians.
Where is the power? Where is the love? Where is the goodness?
Abraham, back when he was called Abram, one day heard God speaking to Him. "Get out of here and go to the land I will show you."
How do you imagine that happened? Was Abram reading His Bible? Was he even reading anything? He wasn't reading... He was listening! He had a personal promise from God that he would become something greater than he could ever dream, part of God's plan for global redemption! There he was, living in one of biggest cities of one of the biggest civilizations, thinking he was just another number... another Urean... that sounds like urea. But when God speaks, all that is about to change.
"Sarai..." he calls to his wife, "Were moving!"
Actually, I doubt he said that... I think he was far more timid and the conversation was more like this:
Abram: "Sarai..."
Sarai: "Yes, Abram."
Abram: "I think God just spoke to me."
Sarai: Silence.
"He said that we should go to another land..."
More silence.
"And that we would become a great nation."
And yet more deafening silence.
Ok, in truth, I don't think this took Sarai that off guard nor I do think she thought Abram was crazy. Now, she was not a weak and characterless woman, she very willful and strong but I believe Sarai was hearing from God too and readily accepted that God had spoken to her husband. [That's why you got to marry the right woman, men! And the opposite for the sisters!] And so off they went, Sarai in her 60's, Abram in his 70's... starting a new life... at the age that most people retire, they were just getting started!! This is our God! Adventure, meaning, life!
But we don't believe God or take Him at His word? Why not? Because we haven't heard from Him. We read and read and read His words, but we don't listen.
God is calling each of us to a life of greater significance, greater abundance, greater things! We're called to take on His annointing, His challenge and most of all, abide in His word and promises.
He's got a plan for you and it is great... if you're on that plan and you're facing an onslaught against you to quit and fade away in the shadows of obscurity, stand firm, brother/sister! Don't let go of your confidence that God will do great things, that it was not God who called you!
Understand that I am a man who left the comfort of an awesome city in the best country to live in the world only to go into the one of the most notoriously failed states, right smack in the Middle East. And I'm like, why did I even come here? Because God called me... and you wouldn't imagine the onslaught on my faith at the moment, to believe the unseen.
You might not yet know your call. O this is a good time for you then! Start seeking, start asking, and get ready. Your truest desires, are really His... let Him draw them out for you. It's not easy, but it's amazing.
The Kingdom of God isn't for the weak - but it is for the weak who dare become strong.
The Kingdom of God isn't for the mediocre - but it is for the defeated who dare become victorious.
The Kingdom of God isn't for the faint-hearted - but it is for the faint of heart, who dares to believe.
So... what's next for you? :)
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. (Matt 11:12)
If you're ready for the next step, please just subscribe on the right and you'll get my Free eBook soon - And These Signs Shall Follow You! You'll be blessed!
If you're ready for the next step, please just subscribe on the right and you'll get my Free eBook soon - And These Signs Shall Follow You! You'll be blessed!
David Roiel
The Green Leaf Blog-Discover your inheritance!
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