Words of the Spirit: What I give, none shall take.
I'm not afraid to speak the words of the Spirit. He lives in you, the son and daughter of God; everyone of you is a temple of His Spirit. Let every one who knows this test these words I write here and not despise them. Take what you can and let the rest... well, just rest. Blessings.
"If only My children knew how much I have done for them. From the smallest thing - like the flight of a butterfly dancing on spring flowers - to the glorious crown I've placed on them - the honor of being called kings and priests! How they do not know! How they have failed to see... all that I have is theirs. Sons and daughters of Mine, listen to Me. I have given you all I Am, that you may see all the unseen, to know the hidden secrets held captive in the dark and to become far more glorious than your fathers. Why tie yourself with invisible chains of fear... those who know the Truth are set free. My Truth is Jesus. Look to Him to see Me, to see My will and know it for sure.
Did I cleanse the leper only so he would be thrown into another pit of shame or sickness? Did I feed the crowds so that they would only later suffer thirst and want? Did I set free the oppressed only so they would be imprisoned by another? So why are you scared? How is it you fear that I shall take away what I gave you? My good gifts, whether they be of heaven or earth, are yours. And what I give, none shall take.
When my beloved Job uttered "The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away" He did not know what he was saying and I rebuked him so openly for it that you might know it - so openly did I do this that I left it in the Book for a reason and today it stands as the longest recorded verbal rebuke I ever gave to any of My beloved children; How angry I was that he justified himself and blamed Me for all his troubles... as if it was My hand that but death and destruction!
When I brought the Israelites, a nation of slaves whom I made free, was it only to destroy and exile them? Was it not to bless and multiply them, and bring glory to My name. Yes, their fate is well known. The curses they feared are forever seared in their consciences and only in Christ are they set free. My children, the Law is a ministry of death. It can only condemn and curse you, but My Son I sent, full of Grace and Truth that what I have given you may never be taken away. I declare you forgiven, just and righteous. To be under My Grace, is to be blessed forever.
Believe this. Believe Me. Listen to My Spirit in you. This is the Truth - My Son Jesus - was cursed with every curse, from the days of your father Adam till now, that you would be blessed with the real and spiritual inheritance of Mine. Arise and shine for your Glory has come! The Glory of being called the Begotten of God."
By David Roiel
The Green Leaf Blog - Discover your inheritance!
"Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good." (1 Thess 5:19-21)
"If only My children knew how much I have done for them. From the smallest thing - like the flight of a butterfly dancing on spring flowers - to the glorious crown I've placed on them - the honor of being called kings and priests! How they do not know! How they have failed to see... all that I have is theirs. Sons and daughters of Mine, listen to Me. I have given you all I Am, that you may see all the unseen, to know the hidden secrets held captive in the dark and to become far more glorious than your fathers. Why tie yourself with invisible chains of fear... those who know the Truth are set free. My Truth is Jesus. Look to Him to see Me, to see My will and know it for sure.
Did I cleanse the leper only so he would be thrown into another pit of shame or sickness? Did I feed the crowds so that they would only later suffer thirst and want? Did I set free the oppressed only so they would be imprisoned by another? So why are you scared? How is it you fear that I shall take away what I gave you? My good gifts, whether they be of heaven or earth, are yours. And what I give, none shall take.
When my beloved Job uttered "The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away" He did not know what he was saying and I rebuked him so openly for it that you might know it - so openly did I do this that I left it in the Book for a reason and today it stands as the longest recorded verbal rebuke I ever gave to any of My beloved children; How angry I was that he justified himself and blamed Me for all his troubles... as if it was My hand that but death and destruction!
When I brought the Israelites, a nation of slaves whom I made free, was it only to destroy and exile them? Was it not to bless and multiply them, and bring glory to My name. Yes, their fate is well known. The curses they feared are forever seared in their consciences and only in Christ are they set free. My children, the Law is a ministry of death. It can only condemn and curse you, but My Son I sent, full of Grace and Truth that what I have given you may never be taken away. I declare you forgiven, just and righteous. To be under My Grace, is to be blessed forever.
Believe this. Believe Me. Listen to My Spirit in you. This is the Truth - My Son Jesus - was cursed with every curse, from the days of your father Adam till now, that you would be blessed with the real and spiritual inheritance of Mine. Arise and shine for your Glory has come! The Glory of being called the Begotten of God."
Photo credits: Shutterstock by Papa Bravo (modified from original by D.R.) |
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This post was originally published on 4/4/2014
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