Book Review: Unmerited Favor by Joseph Prince

This book changed my life! Can a book change your life? No, but understanding the grace and work of Jesus Christ for you definitely will. While I've read a couple of this guy's books and seen a few dozen of his sermons, I must say this book is one of his crowning achievements.

Joseph writes very simply, but don't mistake this for a lack of depth. He is sharing the most awesome good news of what Jesus did for you, in a way that very few - but more and more people - are hearing for the first time. Besides that, this book answers some of the MAJOR questions raging inside believers hearts; questions like:

Can I expect good things to happen from me?

Does God punish me when I do wrong things?

(My favorite) Are even the sins of my future forgiven?

In addition, many believers in Jesus today have come to taste the grace of Christ only to fall back into a sense of duty and obligation that completely stifles the flow of God's grace in their lives. God isn't withholding anything, but when His children start to relate to Him through the lens of the Old Covenant, they actually fail to benefit from His love and favor and all He did for them on the cross... I even think that bad things seem to be attracted to the one who thinks like this!

Finally, let me say this, I would never recommend this book to you if I wasn't absolutely blessed by it! In the end do you really, really need it? Well, you have the Holy Spirit of Christ living in you... so ditto! (Plus you've got the Green Leaf Blog! Yes, I'm joking for that one.)

Click the picture below to find out more and I sincerely hope you're blessed!

If you're in Canada, please click here: Unmerited Favor

Please note that if you do buy this book, as an Amazon Associate partner, I will make a small commission from what you buy here and on their website after clicking this link. And if you do buy something, THANK YOU!

By David Roiel
The Green Leaf Blog - Discover your inheritance!

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