Dead man's paradise
“As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.” Ps 103:12
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Courtesy of Shutterstock-Russel Shively |
The noon sun was in the sky looking down on three men, each crucified to a wooden cross. Jesus’ torn body, like a butchered lamb hung from the tree, His blood dripping down to the ground. Two rebels were crucified beside Him, one on each side, His pierced hands parted towards each of them. They had heard of this Man, Jesus of Nazareth, who had healed countless souls and raised the dead with a word. Now with their dying breaths they hurled insults at Him, mocking His power.
Somehow, one of them saw something he didn’t see before; in a moment He saw Jesus as a Lamb. He was astonished for the Spirit had just witnessed to him, “Behold, the Son of God, dying for your sins.” Suddenly, it all became clear to Him “Lord, remember me!” he cries out. Jesus lifts His head, struggling to breathe, “Truly… truly I say to you… today you will be with Me… in Paradise.”
Darkness began to cover the land but inside this rebel the Morning Star would dawn. This man made no mention of his sins to Jesus nor did he express a desire to make amends or bless people. He was in the very presence of the Son of God and about to die yet he did not bother to confess his trespasses. You know why? That his sins were forgiven was as clear as day to him for he saw, by the eyes of the Spirit, his own sins on Jesus Himself. And that day he would also see Paradise!
Friends, do not weigh yourselves down with the memory of sins. Jesus has completely and so effectively paid for your transgressions that all the guilt of mankind, including yours, is forever washed away – from the beginning to the end of time. This rebel's last vision was of his sins on the body of Jesus; let that be your endearing vision too and rejoice. For your Father promises you, “I will never ever remember your sins. So come at My right hand, don’t hold yourself back and I will make you know Joy!”
By David Roiel
The Green Leaf Blog - Discover your inheritance!
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